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Clients are responsible for bringing their own clothing, toiletries and food. While our various locations may have donations available to them it is recommended that you express any special help you may need on your assessment. 

Each client will have a full sized dresser and most rooms will have closet space available to them. Additionally each client is assigned space in a fridge and pantry. 

It is recommended but not required that clients bring a small lockbox for any valuables and medications. 

All beds are Twin XL sized, our program will provide bedding and pillows. 

We do not allow any scheduled narcotics, even when prescribed by a doctor. We also do not allow medications that clients can withdrawal from if not taken. We do not administer any medications.

Some examples of medications we do not allow would be: Suboxone, Sublocade, Xanax, Adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin, Concerta, Oxycotin.

Some medications that we will allow include: Naltrexone, Vivitrol, Antabuse, Gabapentin, Strattera, Seroquel, Trazedone, Remeron.

Yes, clients are allowed to bring their own vehicles. Parking varies by location. 

Our program does not provide transportation, this includes to places like 12-step meetings, IOP/PHP, appointments, or work. We understand that transportation is a concern for many clients. We can help provide discounted bus passes for Broward clients (regular price $80, discounted to $40/month), and we find that most of our clients car pool with other clients that do drive to attend their 12-step meetings that are not within walking distance. 

While we can always help refer clients to labor ready services, or give recommendations on places to apply that other clients have had success finding work, we urge our clients to find their own employment. 

If you are unemployed upon intake you maybe required to complete our Job Search Protocol, which include stipulations such as: must complete 10 applications per day, must attend two 12-step meetings per day while unemployed, and may be required to be off property from 10am-4pm job searching and following up with applications.

Our program is proud to be 100% dog friendly, all locations will have either a clients personal animal or a rescue dog.

Being that we are so pet-friendly, our availability for clients to bring their pets in upon intake is usually tight, and we cannot guarantee space for an animal at any specific location. Please ask about availability for dogs on your assessment. 

We do not allow cats, reptiles, or small rodents. Fish tanks are usually acceptable. 

Yes, all clients must pass a drug test upon intake. Our minimum requirement is 3 days clean of all substances prior to intake.  

In event that a client is still positive on a drug test for either THC or treatment medications (ex: Ativan, or a Suboxone taper), we will send urine samples to the lab to test and confirm that substance levels are going down. For each lab test the client will be responsible for costs of $50/test.  

While we do accept many clients with dual diagnosis (substance abuse and mental health), our general rule is that the substance abuse must outweigh the mental health. Our program is structured around the 12-steps, and we’ve found that many clients that do not have substance abuse issues struggle to benefit from our program. 

BWRF management reserves the sole discretion to choose to transition any client our of our program if it is the opinion of our staff that the client’s mental health requires a higher level of care than our program can provide. 

Yes. Though any assessment is subject to the discretion from our program directors. Particularly when dealing with a history of violent crimes.

We also have a Court Liaison to assist clients in reporting and confirming progress in our program with the courts. 

Our program cannot accept any individuals with sex offender status. 


No. Blue Waters Recovery Foundation is completely non-medical. Meaning that we have no doctors or nurses on staff, and can provide no official medical recommendations.

Unfortunately we do not have housing for women with children.

Additionally we cannot house pregnant women past the first trimester. 

We have separate housing for men and women. Each individual would need to complete their own assessment and be accepted into the program and will be housed in separate male or female housing.

Other questions?

If you’re interested in our program the first step will always be to complete an assessment. Please call us to get the process started or with any other questions you may have!

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All donations are used to directly help a recovery addict or alcoholic with housing and support…